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Where In the World Is Osama ...

where osama

The Story

The fast-food guy that did McDonalds in ‘Super Size Me’ and two seasons of ‘30 Days’ on the FX Networks, is back with an all new feature about none other than Osama Bin Laden. As the premise tells us, he is trying to locate the bearded man, who seems to have vanished from earth and is really nowhere to be found. To find him he travels trough Afghanistan, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Israel and finally Pakistan.

The Cast

where spurlock
where cam
where osama

The Trailer

Worth the Popcorn?

Seeing the trailer did not bring up the question of entertainment of this movie, but rather the depth. Being familiar with his other works, I'm pretty confident though that this documentary will have a nice balance between the two. Without getting too serious, Spurlock always strikes some good notes. So what to expect is probably not a dry movie about the whereabouts of Osama, but rather an interesting and funny pop cultural movie about America and its crazy cave hunt.

Release date: April 10, 2008

By burnsting on

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