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The Talented Mr. Ripley

talented mr ripley

The Story

Tom Ripley meets the wealthy father of Dicky Greenleaf. He wants his playboy son to come back from Italy and gives Tom $1,000 for doing so. But when Tom gets there, he falls in love with Dicky and his wife Marge. Actually, he gets obsessed and eventually just wants to become Dicky Greenleaf. And Dicky himself isn’t going to stop him.

The Cast

talented damon
talented paltrow
talented law

The Trailer

Making of the Soundtrack:

Worth the Popcorn?

As a movie that can be found in the DVD budget bin, this is one of the more underrated mainstream movies of the last decennium in my opinion. Maybe not during its release, making $80 million, but certainly after it. Particularly the performance of Matt Damon, as a twisted psycho copier, is very convincing. He want to become this playboy so bad, he just does everything to get there. I couldn't help myself but be totally drawn into the story.

The romantic Italian scenery and the music add a lot to the atmosphere -- you can check the music in the video above. Everything takes place in all these great but every day places. While other thrillers might choose a dark and gritty set. It makes for a tensional psychodrama, that isn't the easy forgettable type.

By burnsting on

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