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Christopher Nolan reveals some details on Interstellar

Christopher Nolan reveals some details on Interstellar

Day three of CinemaCon saw Christopher Nolan be asked a ton of questions during a luncheon about his upcoming film, Interstellar.

He refused to say much about his latest film but did reveal a few details of what we may expect.

Nolan did confirm that the film involved wormholes that allow us to travel long distances to places we couldn't travel to otherwise, but brushed off the question on whether the movie dealt with time travel at all.

Nolan also said that one of the reasons he cast Matthew McConaughey as the lead in the film is because he wanted an "everyman" with whom the audience could experience the fantastic events of the movie through. It was after seeing the Oscar-winning actor's performance in Jeff Nichols' Mud that made Nolan think that McConaughey might be right for that role.

When asked about the use of locations versus CG environments in Interstellar — Nolan said that he had his team construct sets of the interiors of the spaceships, but had monitors outside the windows so that the actors could see exactly what they'd see outside of the ship.

Nolan also suggested that his film harkens back to the "Golden Age of blockbusters" in which he grew up. He mentioned that seeing Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child were two huge film influences on him.

Interstellar doesn't come out until November 7th, so we'll have to wait a fair few months before we get to see Nolan's vision on the big screen.

JamesArthurArmstrong JamesArthurArmstrong




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