Director Explains His Linear Film-Making Process
Alejandro G. Inarritu has explained his method of creating a film, in reference to his yet-to-be released 'The Revenant', starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
The director describes the process as a personal means to understanding the characters and the stories greater, and leaving the story room to grow.
"As film-makers, sometimes you are god, and sometimes you are a creature of the thing," Inarritu explained.
"In a way you have to be humble to hear what's going on and see the transformation even whrn it costs a little more."
'The Revenant' has cost $135M despite an initial budget of $6oM. After the critical success of last year's 'Birdman', there's no question that the studio has faith in the director.
Inarritu's inistence on filming chronologically is said to have instantly added $7M, and productiomn has been reportedly torturous. This is in no small part due to extreme weather conditions.
Filming linearly makes sense, to me at least, from a creative standpoint; a more assured way to maintain a handling on the film's developing themes and characters, as well as an actor's growth during the process.
Source: Cinemablend