Gary Oldman delivers stunning portrayal of Winston Churchill in 'Darkest Hour' (TIFF review)
Gary Oldman undergoes one of his most impressive transformations yet, in Joe Wright's lengthy 'Darkest Hour'
Will this be the performance that wins Gary Oldman his well deserved Academy Award? That's the returning question when he delivers another one of his (almost) always memorable characters. But this time Oldman tried it being unrecognizable, drowned in make-up as Winston Churchill.

Supported by Ben Mendelsohn as King George and Lily James as his charming secretary, Gary Oldman puts a human face to one of the key players of World War II.
The story takes us to May 1940, days before Dunkirk (2017). As other countries in Europe are falling into Hitler's hands, Winston Churchill is shouting his way through the British underground war rooms, not getting much support from anybody. Oldman shows us a man in doubt, but also one with great conviction.

Director Joe Wright delivers 'Darkest Hour' like a well executed stage play. It's a bit dry, but it's still a play with one of the finest actors of our generation, playing one of the most prominent players in WWII at one of its most pivotal moments.
It might not be the most memorable film, but it definitely gives us one of the most memorable performances of the year.
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'Darkest Hour' will be released in the US on November 22 and in the UK on January 12, 2018.