Good Vibrations: Metahuman Cisco in The Flash Season 2
"You guys are fun. Or you could be, if you realized you lived under a NIGHTCLUB!" says Cisco Ramon, who was born to be Vibe.

He said this about Team Arrow in the Arrow cave - a name the actual Arrow hates - during the season 3 crossover "The Brave and the Bold," long before he found out from Dr. Harrison Wells/Reverse Flash that he, too, had acquired superpowers when the particle accelerator exploded.
(Dr. Harrison Wells, who wasn't sorry that he killed Cisco in an alternate timeline. He was only sorry that Cisco remembered that it happened! That guy is a piece of work.)
Cisco is going to become a metahuman in The Flash season 2! I wonder if Oliver Queen will agree to call him that. The Arrow is kinda picky that way.
At the end of The Flash season 1, we were feeling a little left out for Cisco's sake, although we knew from the comics it wasn't necessary. Everybody at S.T.A.R. Labs would have superpowers next season except for him.
Including Caitlin.
His lab partner in crime probably going over to the dark side for real. The Flash showrunners have described Cisco's transition to Vibe as "traumatic." That would qualify.
Cisco is at heart a tech genius, so whatever else he has going as Vibe, we want him to keep his day job as S.T.A.R. Labs chief mechanical engineer, developing crime-fighting gadgets, identity concealers, and other cool stuff for superheroes on both shows.

Actually, on all 3 shows, since he and kindred spirit Ray Palmer are bound to work together on Legends of Tomorrow. The look on Cisco's face when he sees ATOM shrink will be priceless.

Since Cisco is no fool, he's also going to put a lot of thought into season 2 tech ideas for Black Canary, which is what a man does when he wants an excuse to see a woman again. The Canary Cry has been completely annoying to the criminals of Starling City, which means it's been awesomely useful to Team Arrow in the field.

Cisco has follow-up Black Canary designs already in the works for season 2. Trust me on this.
It's ironic that another one of his designs, the prototype cold gun - which was stolen, but that's another article - he created just in case Barry became a dangerous metahuman. Or a "psycho," as Cisco called him.
Cisco is usually way better at code names. (Ask Captain Boomerang.)
The master list of Vibe's superpowers contains lots of boring stuff like molecular vibration and induced imagine distortion. Yeah, yeah. The only one we really care about?
Amazing breakdancing skills.