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Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

HBO's 'Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds' Documentary to Release Early

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell HBO is pushing up the release date of a documentary focusing on Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds, in the aftermath of the tragic death of both women. The documentary, titled Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds will focus on the bond between the two, and the relationship that endured for 60 years.

Slated for a March release, HBO is ensuring fans can get a deeper look at the two stars in January, with a Saturday, January 7 date set, 8PM Eastern Time. It screened at the New York Film Festival and Cannes in May of last year, and is directed by Fisher Stevens and Alexis Bloom.

"[They] were supremely kind human beings, and unusually perceptive. And when either one entered a room, the energy changed. Quite simply, we were iron filings to their magnets. And never more so than when they were together. These women were more than mother and daughter, they were an expression of exquisite humanity in all its travail and triumph. They lived their days boldly. They sung every song worth singing (often together.) Carrie and Debbie loved each other profoundly. We are devastated they’re gone. And so very fortunate to have known them at all," said the directors in a statement.

It's a good business choice that will simultaneously resonate with fans, I think, particularly given that this documentary has been in the can for quite some time now. Were it an incomplete feature rushed toward an early release, then there'd be questions to be asked. Instead, we can look forward to a deep and affecting experience with the latest HBO documentary.

Source: Slashfilm

Posted in Bright Lights,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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