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Martin Scorsese and Leonardo Di Caprio Will Reunite with 'Th

Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio's 'Devil in the White City' Remains in Development

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Five films in, and we really can't get enough of Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio's collaborations. The 76 year-old director has however had the latest, The Devil in the White City, in the works since 2010, and it seems it's been a particularly hard one to get going.

The film would adapt Erik Larson's book that partially follows H.H. Holmes, an infamous serial killer who used The World's Fair of 1893 in Chicago as a breeding ground, luring victims to a hotel room designed as a death trap.

With Silence done and dusted, Scorsese has said that January will be a good time to look back on the long-gestating project. "Right now, there is a script being worked on… One of the things that I had to stop for the past six months… was my meetings on that script. They want me to start again in January and see if we can find a way because it’s an extraordinary story."

With another project, The Irishman with Robert De Niro, also in the works, it's hard to say just when we might see The Devil in the White City. Another opportunity to see the two working together would be an exceptional treat.

Source: Slashfilm

Posted in The Devil in the White City,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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