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Michael Pena close-up as Gordo Trini Garcia in Fury

Michael Pena Joins 'Horse Soldiers'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Michael Pena has Joined Chris Hemsworth and Michael Shannon in Horse Soldiers, the true story of the U.S. Special Forces team and their untested captain sent into a region of Afghanistan in the weeks following 9/11,

Directed by Nicolai Fuglsig, the film is house at Lionsgate, which is launching it to buyers at the American Film Market this week. Pena will play a member of the team named Diller. The team itself is assigned to join forces with a Northern Alliance warlord in an attempt to drive out the Taliban.

Pena will next be seen in Collateral Beauty.

Source: Deadline

Posted in Horse Soldiers,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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