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Sigourney Weaver on Alien 5: "It'll be Worth the Wait"

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Alien 5 has been confirmed as a thing, though when that thing is going to see the light of day is anybody's guess. Written and directed by Neil Blomkamp, the film is expected to pick back up with Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, the iconic survivor from the original Alien films.

The film was intended for a 2017 arrival, but it's been delayed for the sake of Ridley Scott's Prometheus sequel, Alien: Covenant, could take priority.

Speaking with Indiewire, the actress gave a little info on the film. Whether it's still in development, she says "well, I think it is."

"Ridley asked Neill not to make our Alien 'til after Prometheus 2. [Ridley] wanted his movie to shoot and be released first. But it’s an amazing script, and Neill and I are really excited about doing it.

"We’re doing other things until we can get going on that. I’d be really surprised if we didn't do it, because it’s such a great script, and we love working together. So, it’s just going to take a little bit longer to get out to you, but it’ll be worth the wait."

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in Alien 5,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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