"The Good Dinosaur" Review
The story of "The Good Dinosaur" is a very heartwarming one. It's basically Pixar's life lesson on "Making your mark!" It was a different kind of story than previous Pixar films. It blends different elements like "Facing your fear" and "Family Matters" to create a one of a kind adventure.
The direction of the film was different. Usually Pixar films are funny and have comedy in them. The Good Dinosaur didn't have any comedy. The only Pixar story that is similar to it is Cars. Cars has Lightning McQueen finding an unlikely friend in a tow truck named Mater. In this film Arlo, the scared dinosaur, finds a little savage boy named Spot. The friendships are similar in that they both need each other. Lightning McQueen needs to get to the Pistons Cup race. Arlo needs to get back to his family. See the similarities? Mater and fellow cars help Lightning get there. Spot and other Dinosaurs help Arlo get home. The direction of this film can compare to Cars.

Arlo- A wimpy and fearful Dinosaur who has a good heart. Throughout the film he conquers his fears one by one.
Spot- A little boy who resembles a cave man. The boy crawls around like a bear. Spot can also smell things out. Spot becomes Arlo's friend.
Butch- A T-Rex who helps out Arlo and Spot. Has two kids.
Ramsey- Daughter of Butch
Nash- Son of Butch
Thunderclap- Main antagonist of the film and tries to stop Arlo's journey and hurt Spot. Thunderclap leads his clan of fellow pterodactyls.
Closing thoughts
The animation in "The Good Dinosaur" is absolutely stunning and the use of realistic backgrounds made it even more memorable. The theme of the story was good and it goes in a different direction than previous Pixar films. It's no Inside Out but The Good Dinosaur entertains!
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