Denzel Washington turns plane upside down in Flight
Clip from Flight where Denzel Washington flies upside down.
Walt Whipman (Denzel Washington): "... we're in an uncontrolled dive. We've got a jammed stabilizer or something."
When I say it I want you to retract the flaps. Retract the gears. Trim us nose down, okay?
Trim down, what are you gonna do?
Margaret, when I tell you I want you to push these forward. Full throttle. Can you do that? Yeah. Okay.
Wait, what are we doing? Why would I want to trim down?
We're gonna roll it, okay?
What do you mean, roll it!?
We gotta do something to stop this dive. Here we go. I've got control.
Oh lord!
Alright, flaps. Speed brakes. Margaret, power! Gear up.
Some pedestrians see the flipped plane flying by.