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Cars 2
Holley's Hot Tip to being a Super Spy: Accessorize

Holley's Hot Tip to being a Super Spy: Accessorize

Now, Disney Pixar Cars 2 presents, the world's greatest super spies. Agent Shiftwell, Holley Shiftwell. And her tricks of the trade. Pay attention.

Here's Holley's Hot Tip to being a Super Spy.

I always wanted to be a spy. Oh, you've got to be joking.

Travel in style.

Paris, tout suite. Afterburners sir? Is there any other way?

Have a fabulous disguise.

Now hold still. Cool, now make me a monster truck.

Accessorize. Accessorize. Accessorize.

Miss Shiftwell. Ka chow!

Stay tuned for more tips from Holley. And check out Cars 2.

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