Zac Efron explains how to get a girlfriend. The Lorax
Zac Efron here, from the new movie Dr. Seuss' The Lorax.
I play a guy named Ted. Who's at that age when girls start to come into the picture. And what are you supposed to do with that? I mean, it can be intimidating. Maybe he wants to talk to her. Ask her to a dance. Take her out for a pizza. Or show her a stamp collection. Okay, scratch the stamp collection.
Well, the first thing you need to do is get the girl to notice you. And over the centuries of boys trying to woo girls, some concrete rules have been established for success in this endeavor.
Rule number one: She has to know that you exists. Find creative ways to become more than just a blip on her radar.
Rule number two: Everyone loves a compliment. Especially when it's about them. Let her know when she's done something awesome.
Did you see that? Nice moves Ted. He naturally moved on to rule number three: Find out what she's interested in and show her that you're interested, or willing to pretend to be interested in it too.
When she starts talking in poetic metaphors, just smile and nod.
Let's just move on to rule number four: do something outrages and big. Risk reaps reward.
And rule number five. The most important rule. Don't let your mom crush the moment. That's not cool mom. Not cool.