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Half Nelson

half nelson

The Story

High-school teacher Dan struggles with his past, his ideals and all his inner thoughts about life. In the classroom he is mostly a man of great passion, staying far away from the boring history lectures. But outside, he looks to escape his mental pain with drugs.

One day, one if his students catches him doing drugs in the bathroom at school. Not judging him, they start to build up a relationship. But because of Dan’s own addiction, he isn’t the best role model to keep the student from making her own wrong choices.

The Cast

half nelson gosling
half nelson epps
half nelson 3

The Trailer

Worth the Popcorn?

Half Nelson. Is it the craftsmanship of Ryan Fleck or Ryan Gosling? I guess we should say Ryan Fleck, he's the director and co-writer after all. But if it wasn't for Ryan Gosling, I'm not sure if we would be talking about this movie. He gives such a passionate and touching performance.

On the other side though, would we be talking about Gosling if it wasn't for this story? A very real and emotional journey. It's sad, while inspiring. And a political comment, without being preachy -- or preaching at all. But it also shows some problems are just too complex. And we shouldn't always be looking for a plain right or wrong.

By burnsting on

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