Sound and Fury
The Story
Heather was born deaf, just like her parents were. Now the question for the parents is, whether to give their deaf kid a cochlear implant or wait for the time she can make the choice herself.
The Cast
The Trailer
It's a difficult dilemma. Your child is deaf, just like yourself. You don't think there's anything wrong with being deaf. But everyone around you says you will give your child a better future by giving her a cochlear implant.
This documentary makes you feel like there are only two worlds. The world of the hearing and the world of the deaf. The decision the parents have to make is a difficult one and ultimately you feel like Heather would have a disadvantage by not having the implant. But still, what if the implant really has little effect?
Interestingly, I just found out there's a follow-up called 'Sound and Fury: Six Years Later'. I wonder what happened.
By burnsting on