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Video: Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction is Worth the Popcorn

Watch: Stranger Than Fiction Worth the Popcorn [caption id="attachment_1346" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="will ferrell stranger than fiction"]will ferrell stranger than fiction[/caption] It is casual Monday and this is worth the popcorn. Most people won’t know, but last year for some time I posted on a blog called worth the popcorn. We simply gave you movies worth your popcorn. Get it..? We had Casual Monday, Indy Tuesday, Documentary Wednesday, Asian Thursday and Pink Popcorn Friday. I thought it would be cool to try out worth the popcorn in video format. So today is Casual Monday and we picked: Stranger Than Fiction with Will Ferrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Dustin Hoffman. If you’re gonna get some Will Ferrell action this summer, it definitely shouldn’t be Land of the Lost. Hello people, as long as you keep paying for his mediocre shit, he will keep making mediocre shit. So why not watch maybe Will Ferrell’s best movie yet: Stranger Than Fiction. This is the story of IRS agent Harold Crick, the narrator tells us. Only, Harold can hear the narrator as well. In detail she tells him how he brushes his teeth. Suddenly, he realizes he is a book’s main character. In search for the author, the author herself is trying to find an end to the story. From the director of Monster’s Ball, Finding Neverland and Quantum of Solace comes a story like no other. Fresh, quirky and entertaining without being too shallow. It’s probably Will Ferrell best, because he’s not trying to be funny. I can’t really tell more about the story without spoiling too much, but check it out if you’re in for a different kind of comedy, drama, fantasy, something. O, and if I had enough time today there’s a poll on the bottom of this video if you already saw Stranger Than Fiction. If not, I’m working on it. If you have any tips for Worth the Popcorn, I’d love to hear them, email me at "censor" or send me a message on twitter.

By burnsting on

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