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23 Jump Street/Men in Black Crossover is on its Way

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Back in 2014 a leaked concept appeared online for a 23 Jump Street Men in Black crossover film. Despite how bizarre that sounds, Variety has updated that the film is in fact moving forward.

James Bobin is in talks to direct. Phil Lord took to MTV to say that "Nothing's changed. It's still a crazy idea, and we only do things that seem like they're going to be terrible... we're really focusing on what's a great story for Schmidt and Jenko and how to tell the next chapter in their lives. And perhaps use creatures from another world at the same time!"

James Bobin's latest film, Alice Through the Looking Glass, arrives May 27. We'll have more information on the crossover when it's available.

Source: Comingsoon

Posted in 23 Jump Street,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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