5 Outlandish But Cool Fan Theories On the Identity of Supreme Leader Snoke
The identity of Supreme Leader Snoke is one of the most talked about Star Wars subjects on the internet, despite Andy Serkis (the actor who voices Snoke) confirming he is a original character.
Could snoke be palpatine?
Well it's interesting to think…What if one of the greatest Sith lords cheated out death like his master. The reason this theory is outlandish is that Palpatine surviving a massive fall and surviving the explosion of the Death Star II is to illogical. Plus if Emperor Palpatine is still alive why would he change his name?
Could snoke be boba fett?
This theory is interesting because Boba Fett would be the correct age to be Snoke. Plus we never found out if the legendary bounty hunter is dead or alive. He also does truly hate Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Sadly, Boba Fett showed no connection with the force so this theory would be outlandish.
Could snoke be darth plaguies?
Many fans thought Snoke looked like a Munn, a alien which Plaguies was. To add more excitement to this theory Plaguies and Snoke share similar background music. Yes, background music shouldn't be considered a big deal but it is. When Plaguies was training Palpatine he was researching about how to cheat death. Maybe his research paid off and he became Supreme Leader Snoke and he didn't get killed by Emperor Palpatine.
Could snoke be anakin's father?
This wouldn't work out due to age, but it's a fun one to debate. Shimi Skywalker said to Qui Jon-Qin that "There was no father" but what if Anakin's father was once a Jedi but got angry with the Jedi ways and went to the Sith? Anakin's father then goes into exile for many years until he creates the First Order. This one is very outlandish but it would be a crazy plot twist if executed. Plus the directors of the new saga of films said "The Films are all about the Skywalkers!"
Could snoke be vader?
Vader has always wanted to beat death. What if he did exactly that? Who else would have such a big obsession with the Skywalker's and Solo's. Plus what if Kylo Ren is worshipping his Grandpa Vader and his Grandpa is actually his master. People can debate and say they have the same scars and physical features but they do not. Plus Vader turned his back on the dark side and was reborn as Anakin Skywalker. This theory is very unlikely especially because J.J Abrams was going to put Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Bonus: Snoke was suppose to be a female
The theory was if Rey is Luke's daughter there has to be a mother. Plus why would Luke abandon Rey to Jakku. Probably because his wife went psycho and became the new leader of the First Order. This theory obviously didn't happen but in the book Art of the Force Awakens it was debated to have Snoke be a female
Hope you enjoyed your dose of wild fan theories!
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