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A Certain Sith Lord to Appear in Star Wars Spinoff?

rodneyholley rodneyholley POTENTIAL SPOILER!!! / Rumor Alert

According to, Darth Vader's costume has been recreated with the intent to use it in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Brian Muir (original Darth Vader sculptor) and his team have recreated Vader's costume to be an exact match to the version seen in Star Wars: A New Hope. That bit of information is key as Rogue One is about a group of rebels trying to steal the Death Star plans before the events of A New Hope take place.

Another key piece of information is that Vader will be portrayed by someone who has never played the character, perhaps laying to rest the rumors of Hayden Christensen returning to the Star Wars universe. Making Star Wars also reports that James Earl Jones will return to voice Vader.

How much Darth Vader appears in the film probably won't be confirmed until Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on December 16, 2016.

Source: Making Star Wars

Posted in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,

rodneyholley rodneyholley

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