Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning talk about the story of Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent
Angelina Jolie: We all know the story of Sleeping Beauty. So we know Maleficent, we know what happened at that Christening. But we've never known, what happened before.
Elle Fanning (Princess Aurora): It's the classic story of Sleeping Beauty, plus so much more.
Maleficent: "I'm not afraid."
Aurora: "Then come out.."
Maleficent: "Then you'll be afraid."
I always felt when I watched the animated movie that I wasn't super scared of Maleficent when I watched it. I was always sort of intrigued with her.
Linda Woolverton (screenwriter): I watched the movie and came up with some ideas that revealed more about the character. I created a past for her that led to the moment when she curses Aurora. Then takes us past that moment from Maleficent's point of view. It's a reinvention, not just a retelling of the same story.
"There is evil in this world. Hatred. And revenge."
Robert Stromberg (director): This film gives us an opportunity to find out the history of Maleficent and what drove her to the dark side.
Angelina Jolie: We've respected the classic. We've tried to bring you what you love about this story. We also hope to bring a world that you've never seen before. It's a very beautiful story and I think it's very different from what people are going to expect.