Ansel Elgort has a chat with a shrink in Men, Women & Children, IRL
Clip from Men, Women & Children with Ansel Elgort and Phil LaMarr.
(Ansel Elgort): So what do you wanna know?
Shrink (Phil LaMarr): What's important in your life right now?
Uhm, I play Guild Wars.
Is that a Nintendo game?
Uh, no, it's a MMORPG. It's a role-playing game online. You play it with millions of other players.
And the people you play this with, they are your friends from school?
Oh, no, they're just my friends from the game. Like I've never actually met them IRL..
RL, in Real Life.
Do you have friends in RL?
Uh, no, I used to have a lot, but once I stopped playing football I sort of lost most of them. ... There's a girl though.
Oh, nice. Is she in RL?
Uh, yeah..