Arrow Season 4 Proof of Life!
Clearly #OlicityTravels and the Coast City love shack made a huge impact on Oliver & Felicity's outlook on life and crime-fighting.
The photo breaking Twitter: Oliver & Felicity back in Star City and back to business. We were beginning to think season 4 was a myth.
Maybe we don't have the season 4 trailer yet, but for the moment all is forgiven. Many thanks, Marc Guggenheim.
An observant fan pointed out something very interesting. Look at these 2 photos together. Notice anything about the expression on Oliver's face?

It's the same.
The thing is, the top photo is from season 1, episode 9 "Year's End." Felicity wouldn't even find out Oliver's true identity for 5 more episodes, and Oliver would have 3 more girlfriends before their first date in "The Calm."
This has been going on a lot longer than anybody thought.
Now they're just messing with us. From the upcoming issue of @TVGuideMagazine: