'Arrow' Star Frustrated by the Split Between DC's TV and Film Universes
During an interview at MCM Comic Con, Arrow star Willa Holland voiced some frustration over the divide between DC's television and film universe's, suggesting that, from the actors' points of view, Marvel might be doing it a touch better.
"Marvel does it in their own weird way - the mash between Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and the movies and stuff," Holland said to the Daily Mirror. "So it's a little upsetting because you know it is possible and it can be done and how good it would be if it was done."
She singles out the now-existence of two Flash's, as Warner Bros. opted to cast Ezra Miller as the speedster as opposed to Grant Gustin, who plays the role in The CW series. "Basically you're giving the world two different Flashes all of a sudden."
In a show of added comradery, she also added that Gustin would "kill it" on the big screen. Holland doesn't see the point in an argument over the decisions, given that DC and Warner Bros. are the reason she has a job to begin with.
Source: Comicbook