Artemis Joins "Arrow" Season Five
Madison McLaughlin, who played Evelyn Sharp in S4E19, is returning to Arrow as Artemis. Evelyn Sharp was the Black Canary impersonator who tried to kill Damien Darhk to avenge her parents' murder. McLaughlin will appear in multiple episodes beginning with S5E2.
In the DC animated television series Young Justice, Artemis is a masked archer and sidekick to Green Arrow. She was recruited by Green Arrow and Batman to join the team of young heroes and given the cover story of being Green Arrow's niece.
There is tension between her and Roy Harper as Roy feels he has been replaced as Green Arrow's sidekick. It is eventually revealed that she was trained by her father; the villain Sportsmaster.
The fifth season of Arrow begins on Wednesday, October 5 at 8pm eastern on the CW.
Source: Variety