REVIEWS: 'BABY DRIVER' Cultjer Roundup
For those who have seen (and enjoyed) Baby Driver, it should come as no surprise that the buzz for Edgar Wright's stylish action-thriller has garnered positive praise among critics and fans - currently holding strong at 86% metacritic and fresh at 93% rotten tomatoes.
And at just twelve days removed, Wright's Baby Driver has raked in $54 million worldwide already prompting a sequel from Sony Pictures. However, sequel or not, it's fair to say Baby Driver will continue to remain firmly affixed in 2017 "best of" conversations. Thanks to the dedication of our talented Cultjer writers, you too can be part of the conversation. Check out our writer roundup and chime in with your thoughts!
Baby Driver is available on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital October 10, 2017 (US) and November 6, 2017 (UK).
LightsCameraJackson - Baby Driver is the ultimate music enhancement movie
"While Baby Driver is highly stylized, Wright deserves credit for an execution that doesn't give-off the arrogant tone we often get in this type of film - the look at us, we're really cool and eccentric vibe. Elgort and James are terrific together, and Wright takes them in smart directions (including some unique "dream" sequences). And the soundtrack is terrific, though, at times the selections are a bit literal."@LCJReviews full review
Moon Clinic - Baby Driver is a divergence, and the logical evolution of Wright as a director
"Now Wright has always been good at action, with a keen sense of timing, visual rhythm and editing (think about the town square shoot out in Hot Fuzz, or the the fight hand to hand scenes in Scott Pilgrim or The World's End). But here Wright changes up his usual style of directing action. All the sharp zooms and physical comedy is stripped down, in favor of extremely precisely timed, and rhythmic scenes. These car chases are realistic as all hell, but stylized, and edited in such a way to follow the music that Baby is listening to."@Moon_Clinic full review
ImFrancoBosco - In a way, the film almost acts as a musical with how much music is utilized with Baby's actions
"Baby Driver is fueled by a great mixture of thrilling action, very clever comedy, a charming romance, charismatic performances, and an amazing soundtrack to match. If I had to nitpick, they could've shaved about 10 minutes off the film, but that's it. This is still easily one of the best films of 2017." @ImFrancoBosco full review
ASelenatorsView - I'm in the minority but I just didn't connect with Baby Driver as much as I was hoping
"Elgort wasn't bad, I just wouldn't be rushing to give him any awards for this performance. I thought Lily James was good and I believed the romance between James and Elgort - the romance was actually really well done and a stronger point of the film. Jamie Foxx felt out of place - his star power seemed way too big for a small flick like this. Jon Hamm actually made a pretty ruthless villain - his motivations made sense and it actually seemed like nothing was going to stop him. I was convinced by Bernthal's performance." @ASelenatorsView full review
HaydnSpurrell - It's hard not to fall in love with the film's style the minute the music starts to blare
"Virtually all of the tension - and there is a lot of it - in the film is derived from Baby’s encounters within the groups that Kevin Spacey’s Doc orchestrates for each separate job. Uniting actors such as Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Jon Bernthal and Eiza Gonzalez, as characters developed with such unpredictable glee, the film is never short of a twist or insecure moment for its audience. Eventually, Baby has fallen so far down the rabbit hole, by his own doing as much as others, that it’s almost impossible to see how he might climb back out." @HaydnSpurrell full review