Batman v Superman: Jeremy Irons Describes Ben Affleck as "Extraordinary"
From what we've seen of Jeremy Irons as Alfred so far, this is going to be a far different iteration of not just Batman but also of his trusty butler, who looks willing to get his hands dirty and certainly isn't afraid of a little honesty.
Speaking with Screenrant, Irons described Ben Affleck as the latest Dark Knight as "Extraordinary.
"Quite extraordinary. And Zack Snyder, the director, fantastic vision. And I think the public have a great treat in store." This doesn't come as a surprise, considering Affleck's Batman has been shown to be brutal, powerful and driven, but his Bruce has been shown to be just as driven.
That the public has a treat in store for them is an exciting piece of information (not like the actor was going to say anything damaging though.) It does recall rumours circling that Warner Bros. is concerned the public won't take to this iteration of DC's mythology.
Here's hoping Irons' words ring true. Batman v Superman is out March 25.
Source: Comicbook