Batman v Superman May Receive 70mm Theatrical Release
Convincing around 100 movie theaters to project 70mm filmstock for showings of Quentin Tarantino's latest film was no small task, considering the comfort of digital projection in recent years.
But now that it can happen, maybe it will start to happen a whole lot more. According to THR, Warner Bros. is considering taking a leaf out of Tarantino's book, considering a 70mm release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice despite its release being just three months away.
Some of the movie was filmed using 65mm IMAX film stock, which will transfer well for a 70mm projection.
Whether or not such an endeavour would actually benefit the film is debatable, considering general audience's perhaps lacking interest in how it's viewed over what they are actually viewing. The film is drawing plenty of excitement without the need for it.
However, a big staple like this might instigate more films receiving this treatment, particularly classics of yesteryear. It can only be a good thing if filmstock began to reemerge, and that seems to be exactly what people like Tarantino are aiming for.
Source: Screenrant