Batman v Superman: Who is Darkseid?
Zack Snyder continues to expand on his divisive epic Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but this time he's given a sly hint toward the villain teased at various points during the film; comic fans know the name Darkseid well, but for the casual audience its probably lost on them.
"Maybe he exists out there in the universe. Maybe he's looking for something. Something that is against life?" That thing, according to comic book lore, is the Anti-Life Equation, Darkseid's great motive. The Equation is a formula that allows someone to control all sentient beings in the universe.
Darkseid is the ruler of a world called Apokolips, which is separated from the rest of the galaxy and is only accessible through something called a Boom Tube (which is where Cyborg will come into things.)
The character leads an army of parademons, which are exactly what those flying demons seemed to be during Batman's Knightmare sequence. The recent deleted scene released by Warner Bros. features a character who for fans of the comics resembles Steppenwolf, a lieutenant of Darkseid, though it's all speculation at this point.
While there's no guarantee he'll appear in Justice League Part One, nor do we know what kind of spin Warner and Snyder will put on the infamous character, what we do know is that he's coming. What better reason to bring the Justice League together?
Source: Comingsoon