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Bryan Cranston, Steve Carell, and Laurence Fishburne All Join Richard Linklater's Next Project
Everybody Wants Some!! was Richard Linklater's most recent big-screen effort, and while the acclaimed director is often slow getting some of these niche projects off the ground, Boyhood has certainly made things easier.
A sequel is now in the works to The Last Detail, a "deeply American comedy." The new film is titled Last Flag Flying, with a superb trio of actors lined up for the picture. Bryan Cranston, Steve Carell, and Laurence FIshburne are all set to star in the film, an intriguing and fascinating assortment of A-list actors set to carry the film in terms of word-of-mouth.
Amazon Studios is reportedly backing the project, adapting Darryl Ponsican's 2005 novel of the same name. Amazon has been busy latetly, this year alone supporting Cafe Society and The Neon Demon.
Source: Collider