Bryan Fuller Comments on Recent 'Star Trek' Rumours and What Excites Him About the Series
Hannibal and American Gods' Bryan Fuller is set to bring Star Trek back to the big screen next year, and with a slew of rumours comes Fuller's own reaction to them, which he responded to at the Saturn Awards.
"I mean it's funny. I've read that we're [set] before 'Next Generation,' after '[Star Trek VI:] Undiscovered Country,' which is false. I've read that it's an anthology show, which is not accurate. So it's interesting to see those suggestions, and seeing the truth mixed in with them and going like, 'Oh, they got that part right...'
Fuller goes on to describe his excitement. “One of the things that is exciting for me is that we are telling a ‘Star Trek’ story in a modern way,” he explains. “We’re telling a 13-chapter story in this first season. It’s nice to be able to dig deep into things that would have been breezed passed if we were doing episodic and had to contain a story to an episode.”
“We are going to be continuing [Star Trek’s] tradition of progressive casting and progressive character work to be an inclusive world,” says Fuller. “…[T[hat’s the most promising thing that ‘Star Trek’ offers, is a vision of the future where we do all get along.”
Source: Comingsoon