Cast Promises that 'Game of Thrones' is Going to Get Even Darker
With season 7 around the corner (a long, round corner), Game of Thrones is on its home stretch now. And while the show is not famous for its uplifting and hopeful aesthetic, fans can be confident that things are going to get a whole lot bleaker going forward.
Stars Kit Harington and Maisie Williams are promising that fans haven't seen anything yet. "I think it’s going to get very bleak before if there is a happy ending. If there’s any sort of win or heroic moment for Jon and everyone else. I think it’s going to get very dark before it gets better," Harington told THR.
"I think what we might see this season is those White Walkers and that Army of the Dead really come into force. So that’s going to be exciting to see. I don’t know what it means. I think with the whole “winter is finally here” business, it means everyone is going to have a really bad time."
Maisie Williams went into less detail, but left a bigger mark, via her Twitter account, posting a string of Tweets that read: "Just finished reading season 7... shit gets REAL... I'd start preparing yourselves now... scratch that, nothing will prepare you for this... holy BALLS"
Season 7 will be shorter than usual seasons, and will air later in 2017 than usual. So, its already pretty bleak from where we're sitting.
Source: Slashfilm