Charlie Hunnam Won't Be Back for 'Pacific Rim' Sequel
As Pacific Rim continues to bustle its way toward revival for its now officially announced sequel, a new round of news reveals that star from the original Charlie Hunnam will not be back in the new film, which operates currently under the title of Pacific Rim: Maelstrom.
“There was definitely an incarnation of this sequel that involved me, but there was a changing of ownership, of the studio itself, Legendary, and I think that because they partnered up with a Chinese company — and the film was so successful there — there was a real agenda to get that film into production as soon as possible,” Hunnam said to MTV.
“And I was already booked up for a significant period of the time they were going to need.”
“I read an early draft of what they’re doing,” Hunnam told Yahoo in a separate interview. “There was one incarnation of this sequel that involved me heavily, but I was unavailable. They have a very definite schedule that they have to film because of the politics and business surrounding filmmaking.
"Sometimes noncreative decisions will dictate how something unfolds, which seems bass ackwards in the fact that we’re making art, or at least aspiring to make art. It ended up being unfortunately something that we couldn’t remedy, because by the time they got their schedule fully realized then I wasn’t available.
"But I think they’re onto something very exciting. It’s a serious, significant progression. It feels like they’re really aspiring to push this thing forward and do something original with the sequel. So it’s cool.”
The sequel is slated for February 23, 2018.
Source: Comingsoon