Christopher Nolan's 'Dark Knight' trilogy returning to theaters in 70mm IMAX
In honor of the Caped Crusader's 80th Birthday, Warner Bros. announced Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dark Knight’ trilogy is returning to select theaters!
Of course, if the thought of catching Nolan’s trilogy in 70mm IMAX sounded too good to be true, turns out it was. Triple feature screenings will only be offered in Los Angeles (Universal Cinema AMC), New York City (AMC Lincoln Square), San Francisco (AMC Metreon), Toronto (Cinesphere Ontario Place), and Indianapolis (Indiana State Museum). If you’re one of the lucky few who lives in one of those cities, congrats, buy a ticket for me! For those feeling a bit of deja vu, let be known those are the exact same cities and select theaters where Warner Bros re-released last summer’s 10th anniversary of The Dark Knight.
Needless to say, Warner Bros. announcement is just another great excuse to praise a trilogy that is widely considered the standard-bearer for all 21st-century comic book adaptations; Influencing several filmmakers from Ryan Coogler to Sam Mendes in what several critics also deem as an achievement that not only “legitimized” comic book films but paved the way for this current era of modern superhero films.
Nolan, who’s no stranger to IMAX, shot 28 minutes of The Dark Knight and 72 minutes of The Dark Knight Rises on IMAX. The price of admission alone is worth it just to catch The Dark Knight’s opening sequence.
Tickets go on sale Wednesday at 9 a.m. PT.