Cultjer Critic Roundup: 'Spider-Man: Homecoming'
Hey May! How ya doin’? What are ya wearin’? Something skimpy I hope…okay that’s inappropriate. - Tony Stark
The time has come to usher in Spider-Man: Homecoming's arrival on digital streaming services, DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K UHD. For those who are first-time watchers or repeat viewers, Jon Watts' $880 million dollar grossing experience will be sure to maximize the output of your home theater, especially on 4K UHD. And after your viewing enjoyment, might I suggest you circle back with our critic roundup!
Links to full reviews are below. Let us know if you agree or disagree with our "takes". As always, feel free to follow our talented writers on Twitter!
Spider-Man: Homecoming gets my absolute recommendation and is a joy to behold from start to finish
"Following the character’s successful reintroduction in Civil War, Marvel Studios pushed on and re-jigged their slate of forthcoming productions to slot in the first Marvel/Sony standalone Spider-Man film, Spider-Man: Homecoming. Sony would retain marketing and distribution rights as well as some creative control but the bulk of the production would be handled by Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios. So, a new and bold joint venture by two studios looking to take advantage of certain assets to the mutual benefit of each party and for fans, a much needed hole plugged in the MCU given how central a character Spider-Man is in the books. Was this pairing a success? Were Marvel Studios given sufficient freedom with the character to make a film that both fits the style and continuity of the larger universe it’s been building for the past 15 films as well as making a fulfilling standalone reboot of the webbed wonder? The answer to both of those questions is a firm “yes”."
Cultjer Review │4.5 out of 5 star recommendation

Spider-Man: Homecoming brings some needed life and soul to the character that is sure to be a crowd-pleaser
"Spider-Man: Homecoming as a refreshing style to it for the superhero genre but narrative-wise, it doesn't bring much new to the table. Tom Holland does a terrific job in the title role and is supported by a brilliant Michael Keaton who plays the anticlimactic villain, Vulture. The supposed mystery is set up well but what's surprising is that there are no big mysteries or masterplans with Vulture and the biggest and genuinely shocking twist happens on the way to Homecoming. The CGI is a little cartoon-like at times but can be easily forgiven but the film is fun and bright. The rest of the cast are criminally underused which includes Downey Jr., thankfully. If the end battle wasn't so abrupt and disappointing, Homecoming would have been a practically perfect film but maybe after a second viewing with changed expectations, it will be?"
Cultjer Review │3.5 out of 5 star recommendation
Follow @AselenatorsView

All in all, this is an extremely straightforward “Spider-Man” with one impressive twist about an hour & half in
"Director Jon Watts incorporates a lot of the cutesy humor that’s become customary to the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, but the majority of it doesn’t work this time. The comedy feels forced - from bank robbers wearing Avengers masks - to one of the actual Avengers in a series of cameos. And when it comes to scenes at school or with Peter’s friends, most are not close to believable. Holland is a likable actor, but his Peter comes-off as too innocent and unrealistically naive. Forcing him to play “15” was a mistake. There’s way too much of Peter talking to himself and the voice in his suit.For a Marvel action movie, the visuals are up to par, but not extraordinary by any means. Scenes at the Washington Monument and on the Staten Island Ferry are well done, but the climactic nighttime aerial showdown is disappointing."
Cultjer Review │ 2.5 out of 5 star recommendation
Follow @LCJReviews

MCU films always have a great amount of humor & wit to their stories, but particularly shines brighter in Homecoming
"Tom Holland absolutely captures the essence of everything Peter Parker and Spider-Man should be. There's a lot of innocence to the character, Holland is in the midst of learning how to become a hero. We, as an audience, are learning just as much as about Peter/ Spider-Man as he is in the film. In a way, Homecoming is essentially a coming-of-age story, very much in the same sense as Sixteen Candles. As much as Homecoming looked positioned to be the 'Spider-Man & Iron Man Show', it simply isn't the case. This is first and foremost a Spider-Man movie, with a small dash of Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr. is once again great as Stark in this minimal role. Downey is the mentor to Holland's Spider-Man, he teaches Peter the values and the repercussion of being a hero."
Cultjer Review │ 4 out of 5 star recommendation
Follow @ImFrancoBosco

John Watts oversees what was promised – a proper high school coming-of-age vibe sporting authentic teen characters
"Watts helmed 2015’s Cop Car, where he successfully laced together a sense of infantile adventure and a taxing crime narrative. He does same here with the superhero genre and a high school comedy. The latter provides the novelty here and is bolstered by a nice young diverse cast providing varying degrees of effortlessly clever humour and sowing seeds for vital future relationships. A lot of time is spent in Peter's school, Midtown School of Science and Technology, and most of Peter's interactions are with his bubbly mates, chief among them his loyal best bud Ned (Jacob Batalon), seen in the trailer ruining a Lego Death Star. The superhero bits did not wow, to be honest. There is only so much web slinging (Seventh Spidey film appearance) within two decades that film fans can be impressed by."
Cultjer Review │ 3.5 out of 5 star recommendation
Follow @DelaliBessa

Marvel did what they set out to do. They brought one of their most beloved characters home...a truly great homecoming
"Keaton did a phenomenal job as Vulture. His character wasn't the normal villain and the case could be made that he isn't a true villain. Toomes just wanted what was best for his family. He was tired of the billionaires and superheroes getting away with everything. He was a regular guy who became a super-villain. I would say Keaton has been one of the most compelling MCU villains yet. Jon Watts is a relatively unknown and young director. He did incredible work on Homecoming. Hopefully they let him continue his vision for the sequel. Screenplay was witty and creative. It was written by Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley, Jon Watts, Christopher Ford, Chris McKenna, and Erik Sommers. The score was fantastically composed by Michael Giacchino.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is colorful and dynamic story of Peter Parker and his journey of becoming a better person, and a better superhero. The film offers plenty of humor and action. The film leaves both Marvel fans and regular moviegoers amazed."
Cultjer Review │ 5 out of 5 star recommendation
Follow @TripleZ_87