David Ayer Reveals How He Chose the Members of His 'Suicide Squad'
With an ensemble film like Suicide Squad, the team's make-up needs to be spot on, and that's a tough task. During Comic Book.com's set visit, they got director David Ayer talking about the process of building Task Force X from the ground up, though of course with literally years of material to build from.
"You almost have to go back to the beginnings and look at Kane's Batman and look at the origins of Superman, and work your way through the canon and how it's evolved as society has changed," Ayer told the assembled reporters.
"For me it was going into the original suicide Squad which is very interesting because it's a product of kind of a bi-polar world. These guys were fighting the Russians. It was very 80's, you know, and I'm a child of the 80's.
"I totally understood where they're coming from. You can really see how, in today's world, where the government sometimes engages in murky activities to solve problems and make us safe. Where you could sort of see something like this happening and how would it happen today?"
Ayer then described as "like building a family, you just look for who is going to be complementary to each other. This is kind of a new venture and it's a lot of characters to introduce."
"I got attracted to Harley through the New 52 version," Ayer revealed, "then you get absorbed into her stand-alone things, then you get into her origins, and then her relationship with Joker is so defining it seemed like, it's salt and pepper. They go together like knife and fork."
Ayer makes sure that we know that no one is safe in this film. "Anything can happen." Suicide Squad opens August 5.
Source: Comicbook