Director Gareth Edwards Explains the Story Behind the 'Rogue One' Title
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has a big job to do. It has to sell the anthology format for millions of fans worldwide, as the first sidestep from the linear(ish) narrative of the man saga.
"I'd been thinking about it. What does [the title] mean?" Edwards posited in Empire's cover story on the film. "'Rogue One' is a military call sign to some extent, but this is the first film that's gone off-piste and is not part of the saga - so it's the 'rogue' one, you know?" Edwards said of the title.
Rogue One could well be a member of the Rogue Squadron in the film, given previous films have featured X-wing and Y-wing pilots referred to as Red One or Black Leader. Not to mention, it could also be referring to the main character Jyn Erso.
Edwards says "it's kind of describing her as well, in a similar way. It has these split, multiple meanings that made it feel like the right choice."
The film is out December 16, and tells the story of the stolen Death Star plans described briefly in the opening crawl of the first ever Star Wars film.
Source: Comicbook