'Doctor Strange' villain Mads Mikkelsen, interested in playing Dr. Doom?
In a recent interview with ScreenGeek Mads revealed that he indeed auditioned for Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot. When asked if he would consider 20th Century FOX's new Dr. Doom project, Mads replied:
“Yeah, it’s always interesting. They are experimenting with doing some of the villain’s stories as well. Let’s see if they do that. I’m not familiar that they’ve done it with anyone yet. They haven’t done it with The Joker [and] they haven’t done it with The Penguin. So we’ll see when that day comes.”
Fox's new take on this classic Marvel villain, will be more dimensional than that of the other film versions that we have seen. Mads went on saying:
"Well, I hope that all characters have a little more rounded shape in the sense that they have two sides of the coin. Yes, they are villains. Hannibal is a baddie – but at the same time, we kind of like him. I think all characters – goodies or baddies, should have a little of both and I think that every actor looks for that in a character.”
Source: ScreenGeek