Don't Believe a Word They Say: Kit Harrington Says Jon Snow is Dead
Continuing the mind games in the lead up to April's relaunch of Game of Thrones, Kit Harrington spoke with BBC Breakfast, and the conversation quickly moved to the fate of Jon Snow (because how could they resist).
"All I can tell you is Jon Snow is dead," Harrington said bluntly. "He died at the end of the last season." As to whether his spirit lives on, he said "You'll have to wait and see. It's going to be a very exciting season so I'm led to believe."
There's still plenty that isn't being said, which is worth more than what is. But the games continue, until Thrones returns. We'll all have to settle for the fact that we aren't getting any clear answers until season 5 premieres on April 24.
Source: Comicbook