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'Dragonball Evolution' Writer Apologises for his Script

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell Back in 2009, the Dragon Ball franchise took its biggest hit, with its live-action debut collecting an enormous amount of hatred from fans of the series. It sits on 14% on Rotten Tomatoes, and bombed at the box office.

Writer Ben Ramsey has now, seven years later, come out and apologised for the script he wrote. The expressed his sorrow for what he did with the property, and said it "marked a very painful creative point," in his life.

He is now admitting guilt after years of deflecting responsibility, adding that he was after the "big payday" that would come of the job. He ended his letter with the proclamation that he would only be working on projects he truly cares about now.

While Ramsey's admission is admirable, he can hardly be to blame completely for the travesty. The franchise is enjoying a healthy revival at the moment, with a third ongoing series now airing following two feature films. Animated, of course.

Source: Cinemablend

Posted in Dragonball Evolution,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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