Edinburgh Shorts Script Pitch Competition Now Open!
SCRIPT PITCH CHALLENGE FOR YOUNG, SCOTTISH-BASED SCREENWRITERS We’re delighted to announce a new competition we’re holding aimed at young, Scottish-based screenwriters which we’re hoping will give our young, talented film creatives a leg up into the industry! We’re working with the Matthew Martino Benevolent Fund and Screen Academy as well as the Scottish Screenwriters group and Scottish Film Talent Network, to hold a Script Pitch Challenge for Scottish-based screenwriters, entrants will submit an original, short screenplay (5 pages maximum length not including title page) properly formatted to industry standards. The winner & runner-up will each receive 1 ticket to the 2017 London Screenwriting Festival including flights to London as well as mentoring and access to online screenwriting courses! Eligibility: All screenwriters based in Scotland, aged 18-25 at the time of submission, are eligible for entry. No teams or joint applications, no adaptations allowed. For more details, see our website: http://www.edinburghshortfilmfestival.com/script-pitch-competition/