Evan Rachel Wood Promises a Mind-Blowing Season Finale for 'Westworld'
While there's still six episodes to go in the opening ten-episode season of HBO's latest hit, Westworld, standout actress Evan Rachel Wood has driven some more hype for how all of it is going to end. Considering Westworld has quickly become a show to theorize over deeply, it's exciting stuff.
Wood plays Dolores Abernathy in the series, one of the robots in the park, and she's told The Huffington Post that fans will be shocked at the finale. "The surprises will floor you," she said, indicating the final two episodes are where the fun begins.
So, what she's saying is, we should prepare "to have your hearts broken and your mind blown." “We’re getting out of Sweetwater and getting deeper into the park, on the outskirts. We’ve established that the farther out you go, the more intense the game gets, and man, were they not kidding because when we started getting the scripts after episodes five, and episode five, it was like, ‘Whoa! OK!’” Wood said.
“Not only are they dropping bombs left and right, but some of the days on set, I would be like, ‘Look, I’ve seen some stuff, and this is WILD,’” said Wood, later adding: “It will only continue to get more and more intense and more relentless. We’ve set everything up really beautifully and the payoffs are going to start hitting you one by one.”
Source: Slashfilm