'Fear the Walking Dead' Showrunner on Trying to Satisfy Fans, Slow Burning Apocalypse
Fear the Walking Dead has slowly unraveled the apocalypse from unique new locales,and the season 2 mid-season finale left the series open for new and interesting directions. Even before the season aired, a third had already been renewed by AMC.
Executive producer Dave Erickson spoke with TV Line on the difficulties of following The Walking Dead to try and satisfy fans of the series while also attempting to define itself separately.
“[The Walking Dead] has a huge fan base to whom we are incredibly grateful, and we obviously want to deliver a story that everybody loves.
“[Ordinarily] by the end of the first reel, everybody knows the score and is able to kill [the undead] without any thought. They become very practiced at it very quickly. And that was something we wanted to avoid.
"We wanted to [instead] try to balance expectations of how people should behave once they know there are zombies with this sort of attempted slow burn into the apocalypse from a character standpoint."
Erickson dropped some insight into just where Fear exists on the timeline of The Walking Dead. “If you marked off the days [that have passed on air since Fear TWD debuted], I think right now, by the end of the first half [of Season 2], we’re getting very close to Rick waking up in Georgia.
"[Fear The Walking Dead survivors have] arrived at a place where they’re up to speed on how one deals with the apocalypse and the dead.”
Fear the Walking Dead returns in August.
Source: Screenrant