Finders Keepers: Hilarious new doc about fight over severed leg
Filmmakers find amazing characters involved in bizarre dispute
The just-concluded NextFest 15 in Los Angeles featured only a single documentary, but it was a memorable one: Finders Keepers from co-directors Bryan Carberry and Clay Tweel.

The film revolves around ne'er-do-well John Wood, who nearly lost his life in a plane crash. Fortunately he lost just a leg, eventually getting a prosthetic one in its place. For reasons best understood by Wood, he decided to keep his actual leg, and did something of a home-embalming operation on it.
That would probably be enough of a yarn to make an entertaining documentary in itself, but the story only gets stranger from there. Wood eventually stored his severed limb in a cooker (and one does), plunked it in a storage facility and then failed to pay the rent on said storage facility.

Next thing you know the contents of the storage facility are auctioned off for non-payment and a guy named Shannon Whisnant buys the cooker, little suspecting what lay nestled inside.
I could go on, but then why spoil the fun of this extremely entertaining movie? My suggestion — see it when it hits theater. I'm not going out on a limb when I say you're bound to like it.