Forbes Lists 5 "Star Wars" Movies Disney Should Make Before A Han Solo Film
Forbes.com recently published an article discussing five better ideas for a Star Wars spinoff movie other then the Han Solo film.
DISCLAIMER *** In this article I will be analyzing an article from Forbes.com, The five film ideas do not reflect my ideas for spinoffs. Plus I do not hate the idea of having a Han Solo movie, I actually think it sounds pretty freaking awesome. Sometime soon on Cultjer.com I will do a rebuttal listing my five ideas Disney could use for films and TV shows***
The five Star Wars film ideas were...
Star Wars: The Old Republic
The idea of the film is to tell the stories of the Old Republic give us some background knowledge before all the chaos in the galaxy happens and what lead to that. I really enjoy the concept to this one, I just think it would lack action and how much explaining could be done coherently within two hours of a movie?
A Reboot of the Prequels without George Lucas
The author of the Forbes article shows that Lucas created some incredible ideas for the Star Wars prequel trilogy but they all lacked execution. I would suggest that Disney shouldn't go near the prequels and focus on original spinoffs before doing a reboot of the most despised films in the trilogy.
An Obi-Wan Kenobi Movie
A film about Obi-Wan Kenobi between Episode III and Episode IV? Ewan McGregor had an impressive performance during the prequels. What if that same character went on different adventures as a Jedi before Episode IV? Maybe he will learn a couple more lessons from Yoda?
A Star Wars "Underworld" Movieā¦ TV Series?
Back in the day George Lucas and Lucasfilm were developing a concept for a TV show that would take place between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. This TV show would deal with characters in the outer rim of the galaxy. The show was going to be more extreme and violent. It was going to be a show about the less loved, poor side of the galaxy. The Forbes contributor makes an impressive case for the film. In my opinion though this idea would totally work on Disney owned ABC or it could be a Netflix original series. My dream title for this series would be Star Wars: The Outer Rims.
Star Wars: Dawn of the Force
This one doesn't need a long description. What happens when it's the Dawn of the first Jedi. How does the "light" and the "dark" side of the Force split? It would be the origin story of the story. It would be like the start of the bible for the Star Wars fans.
Hope you enjoyed my article!
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