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Forever Ep. 9 (6 A.M.)

PodestriansFilmcast PodestriansFilmcast As Forever hurtles towards the midseason point, you can clearly feel the competence that comes with routine. Each episode is becoming more and more like a perfectly structured and perfectly contained piece of bubble gum pop television. The formula is now well-known among the writers, directors and actors of the show – we see a murder, Henry daydreams about how something related happened to him in his over 200 years of existence and then the murder is solved. His experience is being pushed more and more to the forefront and his inability to die is being forgotten as he becomes more focused on reasons for living.

6 A.M., the 9th episode of the season, was another prime example of this. We witness the murder of a man after he leaves a Jazz club. He has just revealed that he has evidence that will badly impact on another. His body is found in his torched car and Henry and Lucas set about putting the pieces of the puzzle together. At the same time, Henry remembers trying to teach Abe classical piano and finding the influence of modern music (jazz) too hard to handle. Outside of the daydream there are some nice scenes between Henry and Abe about the evils of new music.

6 A.M. also seeks to fill out the personalities and back stories of some of the more peripheral characters. They hint at Joanna’s life outside the police station by mentioning her musician son and Lucas (who is clearly a more central character than Joanna) fills out a bit as he moves further and further in to the position of comic relief.

The show continues to be highly watchable and relatively enjoyable. It would be very interesting if just as Henry is beginning to enjoy life, his stalker from earlier episodes were to reappear.

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