From Revenge Tragedies to Amazonian Mythology: Inside the Head of 'Batman v Superman' Screenwriter
Writer Chris Terrio penned Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and is also writing the first part to next year's Justice League Part One.
Speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Terrio confirmed that he has finished Part One, but his future with the franchise isn't a sure thing. "I have written Justice League: Part One, but I won't necessarily write Part Two. This has been the most rigorous intellectual exercise I've had in my writing life."
Expanding on the difficulty of the writing process, Terrio say that "For Batman v Superman, I wanted to really dig into everything from ideas about American power to the structure of revenge tragedies to the huge canon of the DC Comics to Amazon mythology.
"For Justice League, I could be reading in the same day about red-and blueshifts in physics, Diodorus of Sicily and his account of the war between Amazons and Atlanteans, or deep-sea biology and what kind of life plausibly might be in the Mariana Trench."
That's pretty fascinating stuff, and includes some information that's sure to excite fans. The mythology is clearly important to the writer, and the pay-off to all that research should be evident in the results.
"I felt I owed the fan base all of my body and soul for two years because anything less wouldn't have been appreciating the opportunity I had."
Source: Collider