FX's X-Men Series 'Legion' Pilot Explodes in First Ratings Return
Noah Hawley (Fargo) has delivered one of the best new cable drama premieres of the past year with the debut of Legion, the X-Men series that sits separately from the big-screen franchise to carve out its own corner of the mutant world.
In Live+3 numbers, the premiere generated 1.80 million Adult viewers in the 18-49 demographic, and 3.27 million total viewers. Two encore showings included, and it brings the numbers to 2.39 million for Adults 18-49 and 4.37 million total. This doesn't include VOD or streaming.
For the night of its debut, Wednesday February 8, it ranked first in Adults 18-49, third in Adults 18-34, and fourth in total views. Chapter 2 sees the series continue this Wednesday at 10PM.
Source: http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/813985-legion-ratings-soar-for-fxs-new...