Game of Thrones Creators Open Up on Disastrous Pilot, Massive Reshoot
It's well known that the show's original pilot had to be almost entirely reshot, and even if it is well in the past (the trophy cabinet can attest to that), creators and showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss opened up about that first shot at the series, which could have very easily been their last shot.
Speaking on the Scriptnotes podcast, the creators of the biggest TV show in the world stoked old memories, recalling the first time they screened the original pilot episode for a group of writers (and friends).
"Watching them watch that original pilot was one of the most painful experiences of my life," Weiss said. "As soon as it finished, Craig [Mazin] said, 'You guys have a massive problem.'
"I was taking notes and I had this yellow legal pad, and I just remembered writing in all caps, 'MASSIVE PROBLEM,' and it's all I could think about the rest of the night," Benioff added. "Craig [Mazin] didn't really have any great ideas except that he said 'change everything.'"
From there, the director (Tom McCarthy, pre-Spotlight) was replaced by Tim Van Patten, and reportedly 90% of the pilot was reshot and restructured.
Catelyn Stark was recast, as too was Daenerys Targaryen. Sequences were cut entirely from the episode, such as one in which Ned Stark's father is executed via flashback. Things were clarified, such as Jaime and Cersei being siblings (which originally wasn't clear).
On the podcast, Mazin spoke of attending the premiere with low expectations, and "I sat there and this show unfolds and I am stunned... I very specifically remember walking out and I said to [Weiss and Benioff], "That is the biggest rescue in Hollywood history.'"
And as they say, it is all history now. And everybody is happier for having Game of Thrones on the air, to brighten up our lives with blood and guts and beloved character deaths and all the other good stuff. Season 6 premieres April 24.
Source: Slashfilm