'Game of Thrones' Spinoff Still in Talks at HBO
HBO is not prepared to let Game of Thrones die in a couple of years when the series comes to an end. The world George R.R. Martin created is vast, and there's plenty of potential to tell more stories in that world.
“I would say it’s still kind of preliminary ongoing talks,” HBO’s programming president Casey Bloys told Entertainment Weekly. “There are areas we are exploring, but I wouldn’t point to any one and say, ‘This is what we’re going to do.’”
The critically acclaimed series has won an embarrassment of wards and is watched by 20 million people on average worldwide. Bloys wasn't prepared to confirm the showrunners' proposed six episode final season. “I’ll take as much as we can get.”
“I want everything I can get for HBO, I’ll just leave it at that,” Bloys said, when asked about potentially moving the series finale to movie theaters. The option has been lobbied by Martin and some fans, and Doctor Who has trialed it before.
Season 7 production is currently underway, and will premiere in summer 2017.
Source: Comicbook